09-08-2015, 05:17 PM

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Update v1.06 © CD PROJEKT RED
Release Date: 15/06/2015 Protection:
Cracked By: BAT-TEAM # of Files: few
This patch requires the FLT (GOG) release
List of changes:
* Fixes the endless loading screen when fighting the
Ice Giant during the quest \'Lord of Undvik\'
* Geralt\'s clothes will no longer be wet after leaving
the menu
* The gate in the crypt now works correctly during the
quest \'Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear\'
* Fixes the lack of interaction with Roche on Oxenfurt
Bridge in the quest \'Get Junior\'
* Fixes an issue that prevented players from creating
more than one item via Crafting/Alchemy
1. Unpack release
2. Install the update
3. Enjoy! :wink:
:::::::: Download ::::::::
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